
发布时间:2024-05-20 发布人:中拓 发布来源:/


1. Gas turbine


Gas turbine is the core equipment of gas turbine generator set, which consists of compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine. The compressor sucks in and compresses air, sending it into the combustion chamber; The combustion chamber mixes fuel and air and burns them, producing high-temperature and high-pressure gases; The turbine expands the gas to do work and outputs mechanical energy. The performance and efficiency of gas turbines directly affect the performance and efficiency of the entire analytical gas generator set.


2. Generator



A generator is the output device of a gas generator set, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generators typically use synchronous or asynchronous motors, whose speed matches that of gas turbines. The performance and efficiency of the generator will also affect the performance and efficiency of the entire analytical gas generator set.


3. Waste heat boiler


A waste heat boiler is one of the important equipment for analyzing gas power generation units. It uses the waste heat emitted by gas turbines to generate steam for power generation or heating. The efficient operation of waste heat boilers can improve the energy utilization efficiency of the entire analytical gas power generation unit.

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